National Military Appreciation Month: Thank a Trucker!

By Williams Logistics, Inc on 5-17-2023

National Military Appreciation Month: Thank a Trucker!

National Military Appreciation Month Thank a Trucker

When is National Military Appreciation Month? 

All throughout our country’s history, our military men and women have played a significant role in our country and still continue to do so.  May is dedicated as National Military Appreciation Month to encourage all Americans to remember the importance of our service members and their bravery. Along with Memorial Day, there are other military related events such as Military Spouse Appreciation and Armed Forces Day.

When is Memorial Day 2023?

As Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday in May, there are currently 13 days until Memorial Day 2023. Compared to Veteran’s Day in November, this national holiday is dedicated to honoring and remembering the brave heroes who died in serving our nation. 

What To Do for Memorial Day? 

There are several ways to honor our fallen service members over the memorial day weekend or on the specific day. 

    • Attend a memorial service or visit a local memorial/historical site
    • Adopt a soldier’s grave to decorate with flowers
    • Pay a visit to a local veterans cemetery to place flags on their gravesite
    • Observe your own Memorial Day Moment of Silence at 3 p.m. local time to reflect on those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country
    • Businesses often offer a Veterans discount on their products or services
    • Share a heartfelt thank you to our veterans for their service! While Veteran’s Day is in November, don’t wait for a national holiday to show appreciation and support to veterans and their families

Military Veterans in the Workforce: Truckers

At William’s Logistics, we wish to honor the lives of our country’s servicemen and women by showing appreciation to our veteran truck drivers. According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 1 in 12 employed veterans are working within the Transportation and Utilities Industry. In addition to serving their country, these truckers continue to play a vital role.  We are always inspired by veteran truckers who tackle weather challenges head on. They work to provide goods to American businesses while leaving their homes and families behind.

Thank a Trucker!

Truckers are the backbone of the economy. Every driver behind the wheel, including veterans, is working to ensure businesses receive the goods they need to serve their customers. Here are a few simple ways to thank a trucker! 

    • A random act of kindness like offering to buy their meal or coffee
    • Send a friendly wave or create an encouraging sign
    • Nothing brightens the day of a trucker more than the timeless arm pump gesture to blow their horn!

A couple other ways to show your appreciation for veteran truckers while driving is to:

    • Give the truck and trailer plenty of space, let them in to change lanes if possible, and don’t cut them off
    • Stay out of their blind spots as much as possible
    • Be patient with the truck driver, being in charge of cargo and adhering to safety precautions can be an extremely stressful job