How to Prevent Dash Cam From Draining Battery

By Williams Logistics, Inc on 3-12-2024

How to Prevent Dash Cam From Draining Battery

Dash cams have become increasingly popular in the world of semi-trucks and commercial vehicles. These devices are small cameras mounted on the dashboard or windshield that continuously record video footage of the road in front of the vehicle. In the event of an accident or other incident, dashcam footage can provide valuable evidence to insurance companies and law enforcement.

Does Dash Cam Work When the Car is Off?

One common question that truck drivers have is whether dash cams work when the semi-truck is turned off. The answer to this question depends on the type of dash cam you have installed in your vehicle. Some dash cams are hardwired into the vehicle's electrical system and will continue to operate even when the truck is turned off. These dashcams typically have a built-in power source that allows them to function independently of the vehicle's battery.

On the other hand, there are dash cams that rely on the vehicle's battery to operate. When the semi-truck is turned off, these dash cams will also shut down and will not record any footage. This can be a concern for truck drivers who want their dash cam to be constantly vigilant, even when the vehicle is parked.

How to Prevent Dash Cam From Draining Battery

To prevent a dash cam from draining a semi-truck battery, there are a few steps that truck drivers can take. One option is to install a dash cam with a built-in power source that will allow it to operate independently of the vehicle's battery. This type of dash cam is typically more expensive than those that rely on the vehicle's power, but it can provide peace of mind knowing that the camera will always be recording.

Another option is to install a dash cam with a "parking mode" feature. This feature allows the dash cam to switch into a low-power mode when the vehicle is turned off, reducing the drain on the battery. The dash cam will still be able to record footage in the event of an incident, but it will consume less power while the vehicle is parked.

It's also important to regularly check the battery level of the semi-truck to ensure that the dash cam is not draining more power than the vehicle can handle. If the battery is being drained too quickly, it may be necessary to adjust the settings on the dash cam or consider installing a separate power source for the camera.

Do Dash Cams Record Audio?

Another common question that truck drivers have about dash cams is whether they record audio. The answer to this question also depends on the type of dash cam you have installed. Some dash cams are equipped with a built-in microphone that records audio along with video footage. This can be useful in providing additional context to the footage, such as capturing conversations between drivers or recording sounds from outside the vehicle.

However, it's important to note that recording audio without consent is illegal in some states. Before using a dash cam that records audio, truck drivers should familiarize themselves with the laws in their area to ensure they are in compliance. Additionally, some fleet companies may have policies in place regarding the use of dash cams with audio recording capabilities.

Overall, dash cams can be a valuable tool for semi-truck drivers, providing important evidence in the event of an accident or other incident on the road. By understanding how dash cams work when the semi-truck is turned off, taking steps to prevent the camera from draining the vehicle's battery, and being aware of the audio recording capabilities, truck drivers can make the most of their dash cam technology.